The MEIKO TopLine with assistant system


The first washer-disinfector with an assistant system – this machine boasts user convenience, intelligent functionality and future-proof hygiene settings.
Clever. Tough. Ready for the realities of everyday work in the care sector.


Contact-free processes

As well as providing automatic door opening and closing (optional) we have removed the final points of contact with the machine: doors can be opened and closed with no contact – different versions use either a hand sensor or foot switch (optional) for when you have your hands full.


  • Care staff save time and benefit from a reduced workload
  • Reduces human error
  • Reduces risk of contamination (esp. via hands)
  • No points of contact with machine
  • Reduces operating costs

Optional load detection is available for certain holders and care utensils.

Optimised wash nozzles

As well as high water pressure, the nozzles have been optimised in terms of material, positioning, shape and number. There are actually fewer overall, which reduces maintenance needs. Yet, they are perfectly shaped and positioned, meaning they are still even more effective.

New wash chamber

Even the wash chamber features several innovations: an additional wash arm on the ceiling to clean the outside of the care utensils. Interior lighting helps with loading and unloading the care utensils and makes it easier to check the results – at any time of day or night.


  • Hygienically safe interior and exterior cleaning
  • Resource efficient (depending on the conditions on site, up to 15% less water and 20% less energy than the previous model)*
  • Easy to handle care utensils – even on the night shift, thanks to interior lighting

* All figures stated regarding savings are maximum values. Loading and operation type (continuous or sporadic use), temperature of water intake and cleaning programme selected, as well selected A0 value, all impact appliance energy and water consumption.

MEIKO signal concept

The MEIKO signal concept brings together modern design and cutting edge functionality. Blue = ready. Green = cleaning and disinfecting. Red = important message. Even from a distance, the illuminated door handle and lighting elements on the operating panel show care staff whether the machine is still running or is ready to be unloaded.

Automatic documentation (optional)

Are the care utensils clean? This query runs after every cleaning and disinfection cycle so that cleaning performance is automatically documented and the system can monitor for repeated negative responses. In these cases, the in-house technician is informed and the underlying problem can quickly be remedied.


  • Clear, intuitive menu
  • Intuitive one-touch operation can be configured
  • Easy-to-clean safety glass
  • Optimised human-machine communication
  • Time savings – staff can view machine status from a distance, even on the night shift


  • View all the information (process settings, error and information messages, etc.)
  • Stay informed even outside of the utility room
  • Daily protocol with assured, documented hygiene results 
  • Quick troubleshooting


  • Incredibly adaptable
  • Hygiene safety for patients
  • Equipped for the patient needs of the future


The new MEIKO TopLine range has been developed to meet the challenges and stresses of your day-to-day work – these appliances help out the care staff wherever they can.
That makes their work a bit easier, more pleasant, more efficient and even makes it safer.

The following features achieve this:

  • Automatic programme selection using load detection (optional)
  • Improved infection prevention due to automatic door opening and closing (option)
  • Safe operation thanks to intuitive menus
  • Improved operating convenience and more efficient processes using the signal concept system
  • Easy to check cleaning results with interior lighting in the wash chamber
  • Run more cycles with shorter programmes (depending on programme and A0 value, up to 18% time savings in comparison to previous model)
  • Minimal background noise due to reduced volume


Hygiene requirements are becoming ever stricter. Where will that trajectory take us? With MEIKO TopLine appliances, you don't need to worry about that. You see, we have already thought about this question – and we created a range of machines that not only fulfil current hygiene requirements, but are equipped for future ones.

The following features achieve this:

  • Adjustable A0 value as per DIN EN ISO 15883 – up to 12,000
  • Contact-free work processes using load recognition and automatic door opening and closing
  • Improved cleaning results using an optimised cleaning system and routine query function
  • Process monitoring using the MEIKO Connect app
  • Increased process safety as the mains isolator is easy to access (meets standards DIN EN 61010, IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-3)
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Product availability will vary in different countries. Get in touch if you would like to know availability where you are.